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A Plan to Conserve and Enhance

Message from the Mayor, Dennis Wellington 
"We all love Albany’s Mount Adelaide and Mount Clarence. This is a special place for everyone, filled with so many stories and memories for Albany and for Australia.

There are many things to explore, and right in the centre of our City. It’s a place of fun, culture, history, beauty and legacy.

The City of Albany wants to preserve and manage the Mounts well, so everyone can continue to enjoy it now and into the future.

Our working vision is outlined in the Mounts Master Plan, and the Council wants to know what you think of it! Tell us what’s important to you about the site, what you would change and what you love.
The City of Albany values the community’s thoughts and is seeking feedback on the project vision and the Master Plan’s draft strategies, projects and initiatives.

To complete this survey please read in conjunction with the Mounts Master Plan Summary Document, which can be found on the City of Albany website. A hardcopy can be viewed at the advertised information sessions, City of Albany North Road Reception or Albany Public Library. On completing the survey you will be invited to register your interest in attending a workshop, where you can provide additional comment, suggestion and ideas for the project. 

If you answer all questions, this survey should take 10-15 minutes. Your survey will be kept in confidence and used for data collection only.

Each completed survey will go into a draw for a $100 voucher to a local business of your choice.
(City of Albany employees are ineligible to win the $100 voucher but encouraged to complete the survey. The winner of the voucher will be selected using a random number generator.)

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Email

Question Title

* 3. Phone Number

Question Title

* 4. I am aged

Question Title

* 5. Where do you live?

Question Title

* 6. Have you visited Mt Adelaide &/or Mt Clarence?

Question Title

* 7. How far do you live from Mt Adelaide & Mt Clarence?
please select a distance range.

Question Title

* 8. How do you usually travel to Mt Adelaide & Mt Clarence?

Question Title

* 9. Why do you visit Mt Adelaide & Mt Clarence? tick all that apply

Question Title

* 10. Please rate the importance of these

  High Importance Important Low Importance
Cultural Experience
Historical Experience
Natural Experience
Tourism Experience
Recreational: active
Recreational: passive
Socialising with friends \ family
Group activity with clubs or school
National Anzac Centre
Anzac Day Ceremonies
Other Ceremonies
Education \ Research
Arts \ Cultural Exhibitions
Events: Urban Downhill, Classic Car Race, Soap Box Race, Running Events
Retail \ Commercial: coffee, dinner, shopping
Volunteer \ Community Group

Question Title

* 11. How often do you use the following assets within Mt Adelaide & Mt Clarence?

  Daily Frequently (Weekly)     Often       (Monthly) Sometimes (Yearly) Once Only Never
Lookouts / Viewing
National Anzac Centre
Mt Adelaide / Princess Royal Fortress / Convoy Lookout / Guns
Mt Clarence / Desert Mounted Corps / Padre White Lookout
Avenue of Honour / Apex Drive and Lookout
Lower Plantagenet Battery
Indigenous Culturally Significant Sites
Walking Trails
Off Road Cycling / Mountain Bike Trails
Rock Climbing / Bouldering Areas
Informal Play 
Dog Walking
Wild Flowers / Flora Areas
Bird / Whale / Wildlife Watching
Coastal / Water Edge
Coastal boardwalk and walk trail
Roads / Lookouts / Car parks
Cafe or food outlet
Public amenities

Question Title

* 12. Would any additional amenities, infrastructure or services complement your experience at Mt Adelaide & Mt Clarence?

Question Title

* 13. Are there any specific areas of environmental, cultural, historical, or recreational value within the Mt Adelaide & Mt Clarence area that you feel needs protecting or enhancing?

To complete the remaining questions in the survey, please refer to the Mounts Master Plan Summary Document.

Question Title

* 14. WORKING VISION: "Regional Australia's iconic coastal parkland and Botanic Garden, showcasing world recognised and inspirational natural, cultural, heritage and recreational experiences and commemorating the Anzac legacy."

The City of Albany is seeking feedback on the Mounts Master Plan working vision. Do you support the working vision? Refer to the Mounts Master Plan Summary Document, page 6 for more information.

Question Title

* 15. Ten key Master Plan Strategies have been identified through the planning process. The City of Albany would like your feedback on these Strategies and how you would like to see them prioritised. Refer to the Mounts Master Plan Summary Document, page 7 for guidance.

  1 High Priority 2 Medium Priority 3 Low Priority
1. Princess Royal Fortress
2. Local Community
3. Regional Botanic Garden
4. National Anzac Centre
5. Public Art & Cultural Programme
6. Education & Interpretation
7. Identity & Branding
8. Nature Play
9. Connecting Places & Experiences
10. Visitor Facilities & Site Wide Infrastructure

Question Title

* 16. Are there any further strategies that could be considered?

Question Title

* 17. The identity and branding of a place is important. A name can be linked with cultural, social & community language. What would you call this place? Tick all that would apply or provide a suggestion.

Question Title

* 18. Within each Master Plan Strategy (reviewed in question 15) a number of draft key projects & initiatives have been identified. If you would like to participate in a workshop to provide additional comment, suggestions, ideas and to help prioritise the key projects & initiatives, please register your interest here. Please refer to the Mounts Master Plan Summary Document Appendices, page 8 for more information.

Registered for a Workshop? The City will contact you with details.

Question Title

* 19. Do you have any additional comments, suggestions, ideas or concerns with regard to planning of the Mounts Master Plan?

To keep informed about the progress of City of Albany projects, please refer to the City of Albany's website, where you can subscribe to community newsletters.

For more information contact Major Projects:

Thank you for your valuable contribution to the Mounts Master Plan.
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