About the Event

In observance of Fall Prevention Awareness Day, the County of San Diego, San Diego Fall Prevention Task Force, and City of San Diego will be hosting an in-person event to raise awareness about older adult falls and how to prevent them. This year's theme, Fall Prevention Is a Team Effort, will highlight how various community sectors have a role in preventing falls, including primary care physicians, physical and occupational therapists, pharmacists, and first responders. The event will feature exhibitors, expert speakers, free health assessments, and demonstrations of evidence-based fall prevention programs such as tai chi. Additional details are below. Please complete this form to register. 
Park De La Cruz Recreation Center
3901 Landis St. San Diego, CA 92015
Thursday, September 22, 2022 
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM 

For questions or to learn more about the event, please call (858) 495-5500 or email HealthierLiving.HHSA@sdcounty.ca.gov.

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* Please enter your First Name.

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* Please enter your Last Name.

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* * Please enter your Zip Code.

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* Select one of the following that best describes you.

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* Contact Information:

The next few questions are optional and meant to assess your fall risk:
Thank you for completing this form. You will receive a reminder email with more information leading up to the event.