We would like to know your thoughts about the health of Fremont County. Your responses will be kept anonymous and will help guide future public health efforts.  This is a short survey and should take less than 15 minutes to complete.  As a community member, your knowledge and experiences are highly valuable. The survey is made in partnership with Fremont County Public Health and the Colorado School of Public Health.

Thank you for helping to make Fremont County a healthy community!

The first thing we would like to do is share some health information about Fremont County.  Please review this information before moving forward with the survey.  

2014 - 2015 Fremont County at a Glance
  • 46,692 people reside in Fremont County
  • Most people in Fremont County are White Non-Hispanic (79%), followed by Hispanic or Latino (13%), and then African American (4%).
  • The average age is 43.5 years old.  8% of the population is under 9 years old, and 5% is over 80 years old.

Comparing Fremont County to the State
  Fremont County Colorado 
Average Income $41,385 $60,629
People Living in Poverty 19% 12%
High School Completion 76% 79%
Unemployment Rate 9% 6.8%

Ideas About Healthy Communities 

Many aspects of a person’s life can affect their health. For instance, we know that lower income levels make it harder for people to purchase healthy foods, find time for exercise, or afford health care. This can lead to poor nutrition, housing issues, or using emergency care. Thus, income, skills and opportunities can be a support or a barrier for people to lead a healthy life. All of these factors, and others, means community involvement is needed to assist in creating a healthy community.