Council is responsible for the implementation of the Hinchinbrook Local Government Area Biosecurity Plan (HLGABP) which covers all land tenure within the Hinchinbrook Shire and has been developed for the entire community.

The aims of the HLGABP are to:
  • Prioritise invasive biosecurity matters to reduce impacts and prevent spread and introduction within Hinchinbrook Shire, based on best practice pest management principles;
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders involved and provide direction on priority pest management activities;
  • Outline everyone’s obligation to minimise the impact of biosecurity risks on people, the economy and the environment;
  • Clearly identify resources for effective management of pests and outline the priorities so that resources are managed efficiently; and
  • Ensure appropriate management of invasive biosecurity matters and improved scope and opportunities for monitoring and evaluating the Plan.
As part of this year's annual review of the HLGABP, we are seeking advice from the broader community on their perceptions, expectations, concerns and ideas to improve the way Council develops and administers the HLGABP across all land uses in the Shire.
Your feedback is important to ensure that Council and other stakeholders are aware of the community’s views and perceptions in order to meet obligations under the Biosecurity Act 2014, aiding us to deliver better service into the future.

Survey closes 5.00pm Wednesday 6 April 2022.

Question Title

* 1. Full Name

Question Title

* 2. Phone Number

Question Title

* 3. How confident are you at identifying each of these invasive pests/weed species in the field?

  Not Confident Somewhat Confident Very Confident
African Tulip Tree
Aleman Grass
Amazon Frogbit
Gamba Grass
Giant Sensitive Plant
Glush Weed (Hygrophila)
Mother of Millions
Mikania Vine
Navua Sedge
Parthenium Weed
Pond Apple
Prickly Pear
Rats Tail Grass
Redwood (Acaciella Glauca)
Siam Weed
Singapore Daisy
Thunbergia Vine
Water Hyacinth
Water Lettuce
Hairy Senna
Candle Bush

Question Title

* 4. How much of a concern (or priority) do you think each of these species are to the protection of the Hinchinbrook Shire as a whole?

  Low Priority Moderate Priority High Priority  Not Sure
African Tulip Tree
Aleman Grass
Amazon Frogbit
Gamba Grass
Giant Sensitive Plant
Glush Weed (Hygrophila)
Mother of Millions
Mikania Vine
Navua Sedge
Parthenium Weed
Pond Apple
Prickly Pear
Rats Tail Grass
Redwood (Acaciella Glauca)
Siam Weed
Singapore Daisy
Thunbergia Vine
Water Hyacinth
Water Lettuce
Hairy Senna
Candle Bush

Question Title

* 6. What do you feel are the most significant obstacles or challenges that you as a landholder face when managing weeds? (e.g. weed identification, information on control methods, equipment, labour, time etc.)