11.22.21 Workshop 3 Evaluation Survey | Athena Academy Powered by Teradata

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1. How likely is it that you would recommend this Athena program to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

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2. Has your engagement with Athena advanced your career? (i.e. building your network, feeling more empowered, received pay increase, promotion, tapped to lead a special project, accepted industry speaking engagement, landed a board position, accessing mentors/sponsors, etc.)

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3. How would you rate speaker Dr. Alessandra Wall?

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4. How comfortable did you feel talking about your skills or your value before this academy?

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5. What's your biggest barrier to sharing your value?

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6. What are your thoughts or feedback about the presenter, the content of the presentation and the format?
*Dr. Wall appreciates your honest, unfiltered, and constructive feedback

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7. Was "Articulating Value" a helpful presentation for you?

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8. Do you feel confident you could identify three skills/strengths to share with others?

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9. How comfortable do you feel articulating the impact of your skill set to others?

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10. How likely are you to use this value articualtion method the next next time you're asked to communicate what you bring to the table, or the next time you attend a networking event?