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* 1. CCFG- Design 1 (Similar to Current Design)

-Pre-Tests used to determine student readiness for unit. 
-Students would be re-grouped for each unit based on the results of pre-test.
-Students who demonstrate high levels of readiness would receive unit instruction plus extensive enrichment opportunities.
-Students who demonstrate lower levels of readiness would receive pre-requisite skill remediation followed by unit instruction.
-Students may be grouped with any of the grade-level teachers. 

As a parent/guardian, what do you feel are the pros and cons of this design?

Question Title

* 2. CCFG- Design 2 (No Grouping)

-Pre-Tests used to determine student readiness for unit.
-Teacher would use differentiation approached within his/her own classroom to meet the needs of the range of learners.
-Students who demonstrate high levels of readiness would receive unit instruction plus extensive enrichment opportunities within the same classroom.
-Students who demonstrate lower levels of readiness would receive pre-requisite skill remediation followed by unit instruction within the same classroom.
-Students would not be re-grouped or move to different teacher’s classrooms.

As a parent/guardian, what do you feel are the pros and cons of this design?

Question Title

* 3. CCFG- Design 3 (Group Students Less Frequently)
-Students would be regrouped based on results of a Math in Focus Assessments.
-Students may be grouped with any of the grade-level teachers. 
-Pre-Tests would still be used to determine student readiness for unit but re-grouping would not occur for every unit.  
-Students who demonstrate high levels of readiness would receive unit instruction plus extensive enrichment opportunities within the same classroom.
-Students who demonstrate lower levels of readiness would receive pre-requisite skill remediation followed by unit
-This design serves almost as a “hybrid” between Design 1 and 2.

As a parent/guardian, what do you feel are the pros and cons of this design?

Question Title

* 4. CCFG- Design 4(Group Students only among 2 or 3 Teachers)

-Pre-Tests used to determine student readiness for unit.
-Students would be re-grouped for each unit based on the results of pre-test.
-Students who demonstrate high levels of readiness would receive unit instruction plus extensive enrichment opportunities.
-Students who demonstrate lower levels of readiness would receive pre-requisite skill remediation followed by unit instruction.
-This design is similar to design 1 however students would not move among ALL of the grade-level teachers.

As a parent/guardian, what do you feel are the pros and cons of this design?

Question Title

* 5. Please Rank Each Model
1= Preferred Design
4= Least Desired Design

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* 6. Please share any additional thoughts or comments regarding Cross-Class Flexible Grouping.