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Question Title

* 1. Date

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* 2. School

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* 3. Grade

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* 4. Do you like going to school?

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* 5. Do you feel safe attending the after school program?

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* 6. How often are you absent from school?

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* 7. Do you study hard for tests?

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* 8. How often are you in trouble during the school day?

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* 9. Do your parents talk to you about school or homework?

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* 10. Do you feel comfortable talking to teachers and after school staff?

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* 11. Does the after school program support a sense of belonging?

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* 12. Does after school staff encourage your ideas and feedback regarding the program?

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* 13. How often do you turn your homework in on time?

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* 14. Do you look forward to coming to school?

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* 15. How often do you feel upset when you come to school?

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* 16. Have you felt happier or less stressed since attending the after school program?

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* 17. How well do you get along with others, including other students or adults?

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* 18. Rate your self-esteem (i.e. how do you think of yourself?):

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* 19. How are your grades?

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* 20. Have you ever been held back a grade or had to repeat a year?

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* 21. Are there any classroom subjects in which you feel you need extra help improving your grades? (Check all that apply)

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* 22. Before joining this program, had you ever participated in a before-school or after-school program?

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* 23. What do you usually do after school? (check all that apply)

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* 24. What would you like to do in an after-school program?