The SPH&TM Alumni Board by-laws govern when we have our annual meeting which is an open meeting with all alumni invited.
Therefore, this short survey is to identify the time of the year where the most alumni would be most likely to attend and to set up a continuing schedule.

Elaine Ricketts Hicks, MSLIS, MCHES, MPH'94
President, TU SPHTM Alumni Association
The meeting could take place when visiting alumni could be involved in other local activities. The point is to encourage a strong attendance. In summary, some options of times to hold the general SPH&TM alumni meeting:
• Tulane University Homecoming: 2015 dates are November 5-8
• Mardi Gras: 2016 season Jan 23rd to Feb 9th, with Krewe du Vieux the starting parade, any one of the first two weekends would be possible: Jan 23-24th, or Jan 30-31st
• The Thought Conference: This is a SPH&TM graduate student government hosted panels and presentations. It is usually in March and could be the same weekend as the school's open houses. The actual date has not been set, but it is in March.
• French Quarter Fest: 2016 dates are April 7-10th
• JazzFest: 2016 dates are April 22-May 1st.

Question Title

* 1. If the general, or open meeting were offered at this time, how likely would you be to attend?

  Will not attend Unlikely to attend Likely to attend Will attend
Homecoming Nov 7th morning
Early Mardi Gras/Krewe du Vieuw Jan 23rd morning
Mid Mardi Gras, Jan 30st morning
SPH&TM student Thought Conference in March (exact date yet to be set)
French Quarter Fest Apr 9th morning
JazzFest first weekend, Apr 23rd morning
JazzFest second weekend, May 1st morning

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* 2. When you suggest that we host the general SPH&TM alumni meeting

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* 3. What public health professional conferences do you attend?

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* 4. How likely would you be to attend ANY SPH&TM alumni general meeting open to alumni?