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* 1. Which of the below schools did your child receive services from a Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Athletic Trainer?

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* 2. As a parent or guardian, did the Athletic Trainer introduce themselves to you?

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* 3. Did the Athletic Trainer treat you with courtesy and respect?

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* 4. Did the Athletic Trainer treat you and the athlete with kindness and compassion?

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* 5. Did you have confidence and trust in the Athletic Trainer treating the athlete?

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* 6. Did the Athletic Trainer explain things in a way you and the athlete could understand regarding the injury or condition?

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* 7. Did you have access to the athlete's Athletic Trainer to ask questions and provide input? (This could have been via email, phone or in person)

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* 8. Did the Athletic Trainer keep you updated on the athlete's progress in the manner you requested? (This could have been via email, phone or in person)

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* 9. Were you and the athlete educated on how to continue the athlete's treatment at home? (Usage of ice, heat, elevation, compression, follow up care, brochures or handouts, etc.)

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* 10. Would you recommend this Athletic Training service to your friends and family for their athlete's needs?

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* 11. Using any number from 0 to 10, where 0 is the worst experience possible and 10 is the best experience possible, what number would you use to rate this Athletic Training experience?