The Regional District of Central Kootenay invites you to participate in the Community Plan Review for Electoral Area I.

We invite an adult member (over the age of 18) of your household to answer this survey on behalf of your household.

All responses are confidential. Your input is important and will be used to assess the views of Electoral Area 'I' residents on issues that are important in maintaining and developing the kind of community you want to live, work and play in.

Please complete and submit your survey by SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2016.  This date has been extended to allow for broader participation and feedback. Responses can also be made on paper copies and submitted by mail. Extra copies can be mailed upon request if there are additional members of your household who wish to respond or if you have rental occupancy or tenants. Late responses will continue to be received.

You may also send or drop off this questionnaire to:
Planning Department, Regional District of Central Kootenay, Box 590, 202 Lakeside Drive, Nelson BC, V1L 5R4.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Results of the survey will be tabulated over the month of August and provided to the community at public meetings to be scheduled in September and October, 2016. All returned surveys will be kept strictly confidential.

The Regional District appreciates your feedback.

Question Title
