Application Directions

Thank you for your interest in participating in the Alternate English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (Alternate ELPAC) Educator meetings. These meetings will provide California educators with the opportunity to participate in various activities that will support the development and implementation of California's new Alternate English language proficiency assessment for English learners.

To apply as a participant for one or more of the scheduled meetings shown below, you will need to complete and submit this secure online application. It should take no more than 10–15 minutes to complete. (Note: It is advised that completion of this online application be done in one sitting. Please note there are application instructions below describing what to do if you need to exit the application before completion.)

Alternate ELPAC Educator Opportunities

   • Alternate ELPAC Connectors Meeting (February 19–21, 2019)—Application due ASAP

   • Alternate ELPAC Item Writer Training Meeting (April 9–11, 2019)—Application due ASAP

  • Alternate ELPAC Item Review Meeting (July 16–17, 2019)—Application due ASAP   

Application Instructions

The application must be received by the submission deadlines for each respective meeting to be considered for participation.

To get started with this application, select the “Next” button below. Again, you are advised to complete the application in one session. If you need to exit the application before completing it, select "Exit this survey" at the top of the page you are on. Your responses will be saved, and you may return and finish your application at a later time, but only if: (a) you return to the application (via the link provided in the Call for Applications) using the same computer on which you started your application, and (b) cookies are enabled on that computer. Otherwise, you will need to begin a new application.

Questions marked with an asterisk (*) require a response.