Question Title

* 1. Select the option that best describes your relationship with Riverside Neighbourhood.

Question Title

* 2. What are your biggest challenges as a business owner?

  Most Challenging Somewhat Challenging Not a Significant Issue
Staffing Challenges
Marketing and Advertising Strategy
Marketing and Advertising Costs
Public Transit / Access Issues
Cost of Doing Business (hydro, labour changes, leasing...)
Finding & Applying to Available Grants

Question Title

* 3. How might we best serve you as a business owner in Riverside? For each of these services, rank its importance to you and your business.

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* 4. Are there other services you would like the BIA to offer?

Question Title

* 5. Awareness of the Riverside Business Improvement Area

  No Somewhat Yes
Are you familiar with the Riverside BIA and what we do?
Have you participated in a Riverside BIA event in the past?
Do you know that the Riverside BIA is an advocate for your business interests?
Are you aware that the Riverside BIA has a Member Business Directory on our website?
Have you sent us events to tweet/post about, or updates to our online directory?
Have you attended our Annual General Meeting and registered to be a voting member?

Question Title

* 6. Has your business been involved with events in the neighbourhood? (Please check all that apply). If you haven't been involved, please fill the "Other" checkbox and tell us why.

Question Title

* 7. Which priorities are most important to you and your business? Rate the following from 1 (not important) to 5 (very important): This will guide us prioritizing future activities and developing our action plan moving forward.

  1 2 3 4 5
Riverside BIA Website: online business directory & blogs
Riverside BIA Website: neighbourhood event listings & calendar
Social Media feeds: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
Magazine/other Print Advertising
Transit Advertising (bus & transit shelter ads)
Shop Local campaigns
Special & Seasonal Events (Light Up Riverside, Eats & Beats, WindowWonderland, etc.)
Sidewalk Cleaning
Banners on Street Poles
Graffiti Removal & Reporting
Street Furniture: Planters, Benches, Bike Racks, etc.
Murals to Combat Graffiti
Temporary or Permanent Public Art Installations
Install Seasonal or Year-Round Decorative Lighting
Liaison with the 55 Division
Issuance of Crime Alerts

Question Title

* 8. What is the best way to communicate about Riverside BIA initiatives with you?

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* 9. Thank you for your time and much-valued input!
Please complete the following so we can keep in touch: