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* 4. IDLO has identified four key gender issues in law, justice and development:
  1. discriminatory and unresponsive legal, policy and institutional frameworks
  2. limited access to justice for women and girls
  3. exclusion and disempowerment of women 
  4. missing synergies between rule of law, gender and development
What other challenges should IDLO take into account in its Gender Strategy?

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* 5. As a rule of law organization, IDLO seeks to pursue the following four Gender Goals:
  • Gender Goal 1: Women and girls are empowered to claim and realize their rights
  • Gender Goal 2: Legal, policy and regulatory frameworks are gender-responsive
  • Gender Goal 3: Institutions are accessible and deliver fair justice outcomes for women
  • Gender Goal 4: Gender equality informs rule of law and sustainable development
What other key areas should IDLO focus on to achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment?

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* 6. IDLO has contributed to gender equality through capacity development, technical assistance, institutional support, public engagement, policy and research across many countries and thematic areas of work.
What added value or comparative strengths does IDLO bring to gender, law or justice work?

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* 7. Challenges to gender equality and women’s empowerment are multi-dimensional, and addressing them requires solutions that only enhanced collaboration can bring.
What partnerships, networks or synergies should IDLO enhance to be able to deliver on its Gender Strategy?

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* 8. Please add me to IDLO's mailing list