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America Recycles Day is November 15th! To help us improve our local recycling outreach and education, please take a moment to complete this survey. All completed surveys will be entered into a drawing for one of several sustainable giveaways!

Question Title

* 1. What factors determine your likelihood to recycle? Please check all that apply.

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* 2. Which description best describes me:

Question Title

* 3. On the following scale, indicate how often you perform the specified action:

  Always Frequently Sometimes Seldom Never
I recycle at home
I recycle at work
I try to recycle when away from home and work (i.e. while on vacation, at a special event, or out shopping)
I encourage my friends, family, and coworkers to recycle

Question Title

* 4. Check the degree to which you agree with the following statements:

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
When it is time to discard something, I think of recycling first
I have a dedicated place inside my home for recyclables
If I'm not sure an item can be recycled, I will toss it in the trash instead of contaminating the recycling by wishcycling
When making purchases, I try to choose items without excessive packaging and/or packaging that can be recycled
Recycling has a real impact on the environment and frees up landfill space
Protecting the environment and preserving natural resources is important to me
I will go out of my way to recycle rather than throw recyclables in the trash

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* 5. I live in a single-family home, on weekly collection day

  Overflowing Full 1/2-3/4 full Less than 1/2 full Empty
My trash cart is 
My recycling cart is
My yard waste cart is

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* 7. I live in a condo, townhouse, or mobile home park. I take my recyclables to a drop-off center, work, a friend or relative's house for recycling

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* 8. Contact information (optional, but required to be entered in the giveaway drawing)

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