Consent Form

Consent Form 
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Hank Rothgerber, Ph.D., 502.272.8045
Department of Psychology, Bellarmine University

Introduction & Purpose: The purpose of this questionnaire is to explore people's knowledge about certain farming practices.

Eligibility: You must be at least 18 years of age to participate in this research study.

Study Procedures: The entire study consists of this one questionnaire. In this study, you will answer questions about farming practices and give some non-identifying demographic information. The questionnaire should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. There are no known risks to participating in this study.

Confidentiality: Data collected on the Surveymonkey website is stored on US servers, and as such, is subject to governmental access under the Patriot Act. Any information resulting from this research study is meant to be strictly confidential, so please do NOT enter your name anywhere in the survey. Data at Bellarmine University will be stored in a secure computer and destroyed after the required storage period. Only the investigator listed above will have access to these anonymous data. The results of this study may be published in a scientific journal.

Contact: If you have any questions or desire further information with respect to this study, please contact Dr. Hank Rothgerber at (502) 693-2868.

Consent: Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary and you may refuse to participate or withdraw from the study at any time. You have the right to choose to not answer some or any of the questions. Your completion of the survey indicates your consent to participate in the study. Please feel free to ask the investigators any additional questions that you have about the study.