it's time to... SPEAK UP Moree Plains

Moree Plains Shire Council is currently developing a Disability Inclusion Action Plan (the Plan).

The Plan aims to ensure that people with a disability have every opportunity to fully participate in the social, community and business life of Moree Plains Shire. The Plan will focus on:

-          Promoting positive community attitudes and behaviours
-          Creating liveable communities
-          Supporting access to meaningful employment
-          Improving our systems and processes

Who would we like to hear from?
If you, or someone you know, has a disability and lives in, or visits, the Moree Plains Shire then we are interested to hear your thoughts and ideas on how to create a more inclusive and accessible community. It really is time to SPEAK UP.
To SPEAK UP, please complete the survey:

It can be found on Council’s website or through our Facebook page.

These are available from our Customer Service Centres in Moree, Mungindi and Boggabilla and at our libraries.

Please return paper copies (by Monday 6 February 2017):
o   By hand: To any of our Customer Services Centres in Moree, Mungindi and Boggabilla
o   By post: Reply Paid, PO Box 420, Moree NSW 2400
o   By email:

Otherwise, you can pass on your ideas directly to us at without having to complete the survey. 

What is 'disability'?
In the context of the Plan, ‘disability’ is not limited to a person with a diagnosed or permanent disability, but anyone in the community for whom there are barriers to achieving full participation - whether they are the result of physical, cognitive, sensory disability, mental health, chronic illness or frail ageing.

What is inclusion?
Inclusion means creating a community where all people (irrespective of disability, age, gender, religion, sexuality or culture) who wish to, can join fully in activities and services in the same way as any other member of the community.

All information you provide will be kept private and confidential. It will only be used for the purpose of developing our Integrated Planning and Reporting plans, including the Disability Inclusion Action Plan.


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* 1. Please select your age group:

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* 2. Please select your gender:

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* 3. What is the name of the town/locality where you live?

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* 4. Are you completing this survey as a:

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* 5. What type(s) of disability do you, or the person you support, have?

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The attitudes and behaviours of the community towards people with a disability have been described as the single biggest barrier to participation and inclusion.

How would you rate the current attitude and behaviour of members of our community towards people with a disability?

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* 7. What can we do to help build positive attitudes both within Council and the broader community?

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Liveable communities are places people can move about easily to access services and facilities and participate in community life.

When thinking about the physical environment of Moree Plains Shire, how would you rate the following Council facilities and services in meeting the needs of people with a disability?

  Very Poor Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent N/A
Administration Building (Level 2, the Max Centre, Moree)
Council Chambers (Level 1, the Max Centre, Moree)
Community Halls
Moree Community Library
Moree Memorial Hall and Banquet Hall
Mungindi Office and Library (St George Street, Mungindi)
Northern Area Office (South Street, Boggabilla)
Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre and other Shire pools
Moree Gallery
Moree Regional Airport
Parks and Playgrounds
Pedestrian Access (Footpaths, Kerb Ramps, Pedestrian Crossings)
Public Toilets
Shire Cemeteries
Sporting Grounds
Taxi Ranks and Bus Stops/Shelters
Tourism Moree
Waste Management Facility and Transfer Stations

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* 9. How could Council improve these facilities to better meet your needs? Please provide details of specific facilities and locations. Please feel free to give details of any good examples you've seen elsewhere.

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Employment contributes towards feelings of self-worth and provides regular social interaction. For most people, employment and economic security are interrelated. Employment can increase an individual's capacity for choice and control over many life decisions.

People with a disability often have limited opportunities getting a job or within the workplace. How would you rate the current employment opportunities and working environment within Moree Plains Shire?

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* 11. When thinking about employment opportunities in Moree Plains Shire, how would you rate the following in meeting the needs of people with a disability?

  Least important Somewhat important Very important
Flexible work hours
Inclusive recruitment process
Accessible workplaces
Changing people's attitudes
Designing roles suitable for people with a disability

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* 12. What do you think we can do to improve equality within the Moree Plains Shire community?

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Easy to access systems, options for communicating and information help remove barriers to participation and support people to live independently.

Accessing information and using systems can be difficult for people with a disability. How would you rate Council's current services in terms of ease of use and access to information?

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* 14. Where do you get your information about Council and its services, facilities and activities?

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* 15. Is there any way Council can make it easier for you to access information and communicate with us?

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When thinking about accessibility and inclusiveness in Moree Plains Shire, what do you think are the 3 most important things Council should focus on to support people with a disability to participate fully in community life?

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* 17. In the coming months, Council will be in discussions with community members in relation to the new strategic plan for our Shire. Please provide your email address below to sign up to our Speak Up Moree Plains community to contribute to our consultations.