McConnell FSS Marketing Survey SCN: AF15-107FSS (expires 08/20/2016)

8% of survey complete.
Thank you for participating in the Events and Programs 22 FSS Survey. This survey is being conducted underneath the authority of the Manpower Office at McConnell AFB.  This survey is designed to gain an understanding of preferred activities, events, and programs the McConnell AFB community would like to participate in, and how much you are willing to pay. It should take about 8 minutes to complete. We are interested in your candid opinions, and of course, your participation is voluntary. Please answer each question as completely as possible. Your anonymous feedback will be combined with that of others to help us effectively communicate future MWR programs and activities. Thank you for providing your input!

PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT: Authority: AF16-065FSMM Purpose: The purpose of the Events and Programs 22 FSS Survey is to obtain data about what events, activities and programs 22 FSS should administer. The information will be used to identify needs and priorities to better meet customer needs and mission requirements. In no case will survey data be reported or used to identify an individual.

Routine Use: None
Disclosure: Participation to complete this survey is voluntary. Do NOT discuss or comment on classified or operationally sensitive information. No adverse action of any kind may be taken against any individual who elects not to participate in any portion of the survey. Personal identifying information is not used in any reports; only aggregate data will be reported. However, we cannot provide confidentiality to a participant regarding comments involving criminal activity/behavior, or statements that pose a threat to yourself or others.

Contract employees may not be surveyed.

AF Portal Survey Office List of Approved Surveys:
Sponsor Contact Information
Marketing Director NAF-IV FSK
Tierra Kimble

Action Office Contact Information
SSgt Cortney Christiansen