Please answer the following questions.

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* 1. Please tell us your name and where you work.

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* 2. Please tell us - are you a Pharmacist or Pharmacy Technician?

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* 3. Which of the following GNYHA Services CE activities have you participated in since January 2016?  Check all that apply.

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* 4. In your opinion, do the GNYHA Services CE programming meet your needs?

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* 5. Have you set up an account on the new GNYHA Services CE website?

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* 6. If you answered Yes, please provide us with feedback on your experience with the new CE website.  (Check all that apply)

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* 7. If you answered No, please tell us why you haven't set up an account on the CE website. (Check all that apply)

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* 8. Please provide any comments you might have about the CE website.